Academia Tecnológica do WiFi

Portal educacional dedicado à tecnologia WiFi.

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Acesse o Portal Brasileiro do WiFi ( para NOTÍCIAS e REGULAMENTAÇÃO.
Portal Brasileiro do WiFi

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Infográfico - The generational evolution - by

Infográfico - The history of WiFi - by

Infográfico - The Wi-Fi Standards Evolution
By Staff | Intel | Accessed on Sep 15, 2022

Read the complete text here

Infográfico - Wi-Fi HaLow brings Wi-Fi to sub-1 GHz spectrum - by Wi-Fi Alliance

Infográfico - Poster: The History and Future of Wi-Fi by Rohde & Schwarz

Infográfico - Countries Enabling Wi-Fi 6E by WiFi Alliance

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Ato nº 1.306/2021

* - Altera os seguintes itens do Anexo I ao Ato nº 14.448, de 4 de dezembro de 2017, publicado no Boletim de Serviço Eletrônico em 2 de janeiro de 2018, que aprovou os Requisitos Técnicos para a Avaliação da Conformidade de Equipamentos de Radiocomunicação de Radiação Restrita.

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Workshop ANATEL: Wi-fi 6: possibilidades de negócio e soluções tecnológicas
O workshop virtual será realizado pela Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel) na próxima terça-feira, 27 de setembro por meio da plataforma Teams.
O evento está estruturado em dois painéis:
10:00 horas - Novos usos do espectro: oportunidades e inovação no ambiente de negócios (
14:00 horas - Os desafios e as soluções para uma alocação dinâmica do espectro (

Improving Wi-Fi QoE to drive market share growth
July 20, 2021 @5 pm CET Special Event

Wi-Fi 6 e a sua aplicação no mercado brasileiro.
Em debate, temas como regulamentação, mercado, tecnologia e aplicações no País
Veja a página do evento: >>>>


e-Forum WiFi6
Veja a página do evento: >>>>


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Vídeo - Intel and Broadcom Achieve First Cross-Vendor Wi-Fi 7 Demo
By Staff | Intel Newsroom | Sep 2022
Intel and Broadcom achieve a major #WiFi 7 industry milestone showcasing the world’s first cross-vendor demonstration. With over-the-air speeds greater than 5 gigabits per second, Intel’s Carlos Cordeiro and Broadcom’s Vijay Nagarajan demo the trial using an Intel Core processor-based laptop with a Wi-Fi 7 solution connected to a Broadcom Wi-Fi 7 access point.

Vídeo - Vantagens do WiFi 6
Por Staff | CISCO | Sep 2022
Vídeo em inglês (duração 2:25) produzido pela CISCO, apresentando vantagens e possibiloidades de uso do Wi-Fi 6.

Página da CISCO sobre soluções em WiFi 6 >>> aqui <<<.

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ESP32 Web Server with Arduino IDE
By Rui Santos & Sara Santos | Randomnerd Tutorials | Sep 2022
This quick eBook will helps to build getting started and building a web server with the ESP32 using Arduino IDE.

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Wi-Fi HaLow™: Wi-Fi® for IoT applications (2020)

Wi-Fi HaLow offers a single, open, industry standard that can address many IoT applications in multiple industries. It combines the reach, robustness, scalability, and energy efficiency required by IoT systems, with the added benefits and capabilities of Wi-Fi. Operating in sub-1 GHz radio frequency spectrum and using narrower channels enables Wi-Fi HaLow to provide up to 100 times longer range than other IoT technology options. It can penetrate through building materials, ensuring successful home and building automation installations without costly meshes or repeaters, and connect devices approximately one kilometer or more from the AP while other IoT technologies were designed to only reach 10 meters. Wi-Fi HaLow uses several methods to achieve higher energy efficiency than most existing low power WANs and wireless PAN technologies. Using new MAC improvements and sleep modes, Wi-Fi HaLow supports devices powered by coin cell batteries; it can effectively handle sensor networks in varied environments, with increased capacity to support up to 8,191 devices per SSID.

IEEE 802.11be: Wi-Fi 7 Strikes Back

As hordes of data-hungry devices challenge its current capabilities, Wi-Fi strikes back with 802.11be, alias Wi-Fi 7. This brand-new amendment promises a (r)evolution of unlicensed wireless connectivity as we know it. With its standardisation process being consolidated, we provide an updated digest of 802.11be essential features, vouching for multi-AP coordination as a must-have for critical and latency-sensitive applications. We then get down to the nitty-gritty of one of its most enticing implementations—coordinated beamforming—, for which our standard-compliant simulations confirm near-tenfold reductions in worst-case delays.

5G and Wi-Fi 6: Stronger together - By Monica Paolini, Senza Fili | JULY 2021

Two parallel paths to connect everybody and everything

WiFiNOW Whitepapers - By Wi-Fi NOW (Hetting Global ApS), Denmark and Partners

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Are you ready for Wi-Fi 6E/7 testing? We are! (North America/Europe) - by Rohde & Schwarz.

The demands for faster wireless access and lower latency are continuously increasing. To meet these demands and to drive new use cases, regulatory bodies around the world open up spectrum in the 6 GHz band for unlicensed use. This new spectrum allows the Wi-Fi 6 standard, IEEE 802.11ax, to unfold its full power. It will also pave the way for the successful deployment of the next evolutionary step: Wi-Fi 7. In this webinar we will elaborate on the technology and regulatory status of Wi-Fi 6E. We will discuss related test challenges and demonstrate new test solutions which perfectly fit for Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 testing. Additionally, the webinar will provide you with an early overview on the upcoming Wi-Fi 7 standard, IEEE 802.11be. In this webinar, you will learn about: (1) Wi-Fi 6E technology features and regulatory updates;(2) Wi-Fi 7 technology outlook; and (3) test solutions for Wi-Fi 6E, Wi-Fi 7 and more.

Webinar: Realizing extreme high throughput with Wi-Fi 7
By Staff | Rohde & Schwarz |
Wi-Fi 6/6E is just entering the market, promising more efficient operation and making use of additional 1.2 GHz of spectrum. However, the demand for much higher data speed and lower latency is unabated. The industry is already working on the next generation of Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11be or Wi-Fi 7. Wi-Fi 7 is expected to provide data rates as high as 40 Gbps, essentially enabled by use of wide channels, higher modulation schemes and multilink operation. This webinar will give a comprehensive introduction to the new IEEE 802.11be standard, explain the related test challenges and how to solve them. In this webinar, you will learn more about: (1) key features of the IEEE 802.11be standard; (2) upcoming test challenges; and (3) Wi-Fi 7 testing solutions for access points and stations.

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Wi-Fi Security with Kevin Robinson - By Tony Bradley on October 4, 2021 at .

Kevin Robinson, Senior VP of Marketing for Wi-Fi Alliance, joins Tony Bradley on this episode of the TechSpective Podcast to debunk some common misperceptions and share some of the cutting edge features and capabilities of the current generation of Wi-Fi and WPA3 encryption.

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What Is Wi-Fi 7?
By Staff | Intel | SEP 8, 2022

Wi-Fi 7 is bringing increased speed ans lower latency to your connected devices. Learn more about the future of wireless technology

Wi-Fi 7 is coming, and Intel makes it sound great - By Chris Nerney, Writer, Network World | SEP 1, 2021 3:00 AM PDT

Wi-Fi 7: What is it and when should you expect it? - By Catherine Sbeglia at RCRWireless on January 27, 2021


Wi-Fi 7: What should we know! - By Huawei at Huawei Forum on March 25, 2021


Next Generation Wi-Fi 7 and Beyond - By Carlos Cordeiro at Intel on July, 2020


What is Wi-Fi HaLow? Players and future - Part 1 - by John Koon on July 21, 2021.


(Image: Wi-Fi Alliance white paper)

IEEE 802.11ah/ Wi-Fi HaLow characteristics. Source: Wi-Fi Alliance

What is Wi-Fi HaLow? Players and future - Part 2 - by John Koon on July 22, 2021.

Comparison of Wi-Fi Halow with other LPWAN technologies. Source: Wi-Fi Alliance

Soluções de teste de WLAN/Wi-Fi - Por Rohde & Schwarz.

O que é Wi-Fi 6?
Por Staff | Cisco | Acesso em Setembro de 2022
O padrão Wi-Fi 6 se baseia nos pontos fortes dos padrões de Wi-Fi anteriores, com melhora da eficiência, da flexibilidade e da escalabilidade. Essas melhorias conferem às redes novas e atuais maior velocidade e capacidade para comportar aplicações de próxima geração.

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Espressif SDK

The Espressif SDK is a bundle of utilities and device-level APIs for our ESP8266, ESP32 and ESP32-S2 series of wireless chipsets. Optimized precompiled libraries and ready-to-compile driver libraries reduce time to market, while ensuring freedom of customization. Our SDKs compile with the free-to-use Xtensa GCC toolchain.

Wi-Fi Chip SDK

Wi-Fi SDK development is a common SDK development method that is used for the development of various Wi-Fi smart products. This topic describes the self-development process of Wi-Fi SDK on the Tuya IoT Platform, helping you develop products with Tuya Wi-Fi SDK.

MicroPython is a re-implementation of Python 3 targeted for microcontrollers and embedded systems. MicroPython is very similar with regular Python. So, if you already know how to program in Python, you also know how to program in MicroPython.

Por Gustavo Teixeira | UsinaInfo | 11/06/2019
Instalação, configuração e teste
Micropython ESP32 é uma linguagem de programação compacta, porém eficiente, derivada de Python 3. Ela inclui diversas subfunções da biblioteca padrão do Python e é otimizada para rodar em microcontroladores e ambientes com restrições. Diferentemente da IDE do Arduino, cuja linguagem de programação utilizada é a C/C++ e Wiring, iremos utilizar o ambiente de programação uPyCraft . Ela é uma IDE com um design simples e de fácil utilização.


By Staff | Micropython Org | Last accessed on 09/2022
MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments. MicroPython is an open-source project

The MicroPython project on Github
By dpgeorge | Github | Last accessed on 09/2022
MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments. MicroPython is an open-source project

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Por Daniel Lemos da Rosa | UsinaInfo | 16/09/2022
Projeto usa a interface do sensor de movimento PIR HC-SR501 com a placa WiFi ESP32 para criar um alarme contra roubo. O ESP32 monitora o sensor de movimento PIR e envia uma notificação para um telefone quando o sensor for acionado. O alarme pode ser instalado em uma sala e envia uma notificação para um telefone sempre que houver movimento no ambiente.

ESP32 HTTPS Requests (Arduino IDE)
By Staff | Random Nerds Tutorials | Dec/2022
In this guide, you’ll learn how to make HTTPS requests with the ESP32. We’ll introduce you to some HTTPS fundamental concepts and provide several examples (with and without certificates) using two different libraries: HttpClient and WiFiClientSecure.

Free ESP32 Projects and Tutorials
By Staff | Random Nerds Tutorials | Dec/2022
ESP32 tutorials and project ideas.

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Blog | - Wireless and beyond - by

Blog | - ESP32 - by UsinaInfo

Blog | - The ESP Journal - by Espressif
Best Practices, Articles, and Notes from Espressif folks

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IEEE 802-11 - IEEE 802.11 TM WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORKS is the Working Group for WLAN Standards

Wi-Fi Alliance® - The Wi-Fi Alliance® is the worldwide network of companies that brings you Wi-Fi®, one of the world’s most valued communications technologies. Our vision is to connect everyone and everything, everywhere. Wi-Fi Alliance drives global Wi-Fi adoption and evolution through thought leadership, spectrum advocacy, and industry-wide collaboration. The alliance´s work includes the development of innovative technologies, requirements, and test programs that help ensure Wi-Fi provides users the interoperability, security, and reliability they have come to expect.

TIP - The Telecom Infra Project (TIP) is a global community of companies and organizations that are driving infrastructure solutions to advance global connectivity. Half of the world’s population is still not connected to the internet, and for those who are, connectivity is often insufficient. This limits access to the multitude of consumer and commercial benefits provided by the internet, thereby impacting GDP growth globally. However, a lack of flexibility in the current solutions – exacerbated by a limited choice in technology providers – makes it challenging for operators to efficiently build and upgrade networks.

The goal of the Open AFC Software Group is to develop a reference open source implementation of an Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) system that enables unlicensed devices in the newly available 6 GHz band to operate outdoors and increase their range indoors while ensuring existing services are protected.


WIA - The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) represents the businesses that build, develop, own, and operate the nation’s wireless infrastructure. WIA advocates for the widespread, responsible deployment of wireless infrastructure to enable connectivity everywhere. The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) is the USA National Sponsor of the registered apprenticeship program known as TIRAP. Since 2017, WIA has administered National Standards of Apprenticeship along with the United States Department of Labor approved, apprenticeable occupations associated with the program. Graduates of the program receive a national, industry-recognized credential that certifies occupation proficiency and provides opportunities for career advancement. WIA’s approach, working with participating employers and industry advisors, promotes a consistency and uniformity in training across occupations.

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Wi-Fi® and Wi-Fi Alliance® are registered trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA3™, WPA3™, Wi-Fi HaLow™, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Enhanced Open™, Wi-Fi Enhanced Open™, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Easy Connect™, Wi-Fi Easy Connect™, and the Wi-Fi Alliance logo are trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance.